Entry #3 The White Saver

 Every morning I drink a iced coffee before I go to work or college. It helps give me energy when I need to function or do physical activities. But if you drink coffee like me, you know how much of a foul breath it gives you. It doesn't have to be coffee, it can be morning breath, or depending on what you eat or drink it's going to always stink up your breath. But luckily there's this thing to where I can pop it in my mouth and my breath will be saved.

From Maxipo

One day I was eating fish, it stunk up my breath and I was going to hang out with someone. So i popped me one of the whites that's usually only white or it can be in different colors. When I held it, it felt a little cold and almost as I was holding powder except it's hard. I then put it in my mouth and started chewing on it. It felt really cold in my mouth and it made it very watery, it also kind of felt it was burning my mouth at the same time. It tasted really sweet as I was scrunching on it, like it tastes some type of treat except it burns your mouth. As I was done scrunching it, I then swallowed and it burned my throat a little too. But afterwards my throat and mouth felt really refreshed and it smelled sweet. Now I'm all done and ready to go and hangout with my friend.

Ever since that day, I made sure to keep one on me at all times because you never know when to need it. I call them white savers because they are usually white and they will save you from the embarrassment. Just like how it saved me from the fish breath and other times. I like them because they are very cheap, like 4 dollars or something for a pack. White savers are very sweet and will keep your mouth tasting like treats. 


  1. Good "setup" in this post to establish the context of your entry. You have a good start with using sensory details to describe this experience. Keep pushing yourself!


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