The Truth About Video Games

I play video games every free time I get for myself. Video games have a lot of benefits and one of them is that it can release stress. The way I see it, some people smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol to release stress mainly or have fun. But video games can be replaced in there instead of harming Your health, and it's not just health, video games helps with everything in general whether it's entertainment, mental health, jobs, etc. But just like every great thing, they have to have a downside to them. 

By Geoffrey Bunting

Unfortunately there's a little twist to video games IF You don't know how to manage it, and that is time waste. Believe me, yes time waste is an actual real issue with video games and it is kind of a huge problem. It makes people not be very productive, not exercise, very lazy, and preform bad on academic activities. When an entertainment that's in Your room such as video games, it's going to be on your mind 24/7 as a way to help You enjoy Yourself and make You not think about other important stuff like maybe going to the gym or study for an important test. A group of researchers showed excessive gaming affects people's daily productivity by occupying their minds. But this doesn't become a problem as long as You know how to manage Your time, and be productive while enjoying video games. 

The moral of the story is that video games is not evil, unless You make it to be. Video games is really beneficial to a lot of aspects in life. But if You abuse it, it can turn Your life in a different direction (bad directions). Video games is an important type of entertainment that people need to watch out of how they use it. But in general, video games is completely fine and helpful and if used in the right way, it can make Your life better. 


  1. I enjoyed reading this post. I can relate to this as I used to spend a lot of my time playing video games, rather than doing important school work in high school. Now I can balance my time nicely. Great post! - David

  2. I really connected with the way you mentioned how games is a way to relieve stress in our days. I can definitely agree that sometimes it isn't a healthy hobby as sometimes I get sidetracked and play for hours on end. Other than that it was a great blog, good job!- Camron Diaz

  3. I seriously relate because my time with video games can sometimes get so bad that it affects the things around me. My girlfriend for example, always gets upset if I'm playing for too long rather than spending time with her, so I'm constantly trying to balance everything correctly to make everyone happy. -Justyn A.

  4. How do you work to avoid wasting too much time gaming? Rely on personal experience and examples to illustrate some of your points and increase your voice and presence (the "casual") in these posts.


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