Entry #7 Movie Fresh Reflection
The movie called "Fresh" was a movie made for the purpose of educating the audience about a certain problem going on in the food production. The problem that the movie was addressing is how the industrialization production is affecting our health. It is clear that the target audience for this movie is people who love organic food. And although the movie was talking about a specific problem, the tone of the whole movie sounded friendly with the use of music. What stood out to me the most was the discovery how much chemicals we add in out food.
The specific main probelm that the movie wants the reader to understand is that the modern world has made a lot of food not have the right amount of nutrients. The reason why the newer world has food with less nutrients then it's supposed to is because it's made through a fast cheap process. In the movie, one of the speakers tells the audience how some food production companies feed dead cows to cows because it makes them grow faster and it's a cheap process. The speaker tells us that the cows are supposed to eat good quality food to produce high quality nutrients. But a lot of companies don't do that because of the author's main point, it's expensive and slow.
Overall, the entire movie is a great representation of how our modern world produces most of our food. It's main message was that the modern world has been making most of our food thorough a fast cheap way that effects our health. When I saw this movie for the first time, it made me think of environmentalists because that's the type of movie they would make. But once I saw what this movie was about I got a feeling of joy because the topic was interesting. In my opinion, I think this film should matter a lot to everyone because it establishes a problem that is affecting our society in food. And most of us aren't even aware of how serious the situation is.
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